Domain: wotr.org
Top-level domain (TLD): org (organization)
Title: Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), India.
Description: Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), India is an NGO established in 1993 to undertake holistic and integrated developmental activities for poverty reduction in resource-fragile and rain-fed areas in India. WOTR's initial mandate....
Poverty Reduction
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Domain: cogilent.net
Domain: paf.org.zm
UNDP is the UN\'s global development network. UNDP works in 166 countries through a network of 135 country offices worldwide, working with them on their own solutions to global...
Domain: undp.org.in
A child dies every three seconds in Africa. More than 30000 children will die today from poverty. HIV/AIDS and malaria kill every second in sub-Saharan Africa....
Domain: cozay.com
Domain: anglicancommunion.org
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