Domain: wipp.org
Top-level domain (TLD): org (organization)
Title: Women Impacting Public Policy.
Description: .
Twitter info: wippwedecide - WIPP is a national nonpartisan public policy organization advocating on behalf of women and minorities in business. (Washington, DC)
Public policy
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A conservative think tank promoting public policy research and analysis based on free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a...
Domain: heritage.org
Daily trade publication dedicated to the business of sports and covering sponsorships, endorsements, labor relations, licensing, team ownership, stadiums, marketing,...
Domain: sportsbusinessdaily.com
Domain: wilsoncenter.org
The urban planning news website, featuring articles, op-eds, jobs, courses and information for the urban planning, design and development community.
Domain: planetizen.com
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