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Title: The University of Texas at Arlington - UT Arlington - UTA.
Description: The University of Texas at Arlington is an educational leader in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Founded in 1895 as a private liberal arts institution, UT Arlington achieved senior college status in 1959 and became part of....
Education, Higher Education, Research, University, Continuing Education, College, Fort Worth, Texas, Library, Courses, Liberal_Arts, Students, Athletics, Undergraduate, Graduate, Academics, Admissions, Arlington, Mavericks, Intercollegiate
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De Montfort University (DMU) is a university situated in Leicester, UK. The DMU website contains information about DMU, listings of undergraduate and postgraduate courses,...
Domain: dmu.ac.uk
University of Michigan is one of the great public universities of the world, a diverse and comprehensive public institution of higher learning that supports excellence in...
Domain: umich.edu
Buffalo State, located in Buffalo, New York, is the largest four-year college in the State University of New York system, offering 131 undergraduate programs with 11 honors...
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The New Jersey City University is a leading public university where people of different cultures learn together on our attractive 46-acre campus. As it moves towards its goal of...
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University of Michigan is one of the great public universities of the world, a diverse and comprehensive public institution of higher learning that supports excellence in...
Domain: umich.edu
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