Domain: tkmet.com
Top-level domain (TLD): com (commercial)
Title: Trader of metals and alloys ThyssenKrupp Metallurgie.
Description: ThyssenKrupp Metallurgie trades alloys and metals (non-ferrous), products for foundries, the metal-working industry and the machine-building industry..
Metal working
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US Knife Makers! : - Adhesives Folding Knife Parts Safety Cord, rope, beaded ball chain Sheath Making Materials/Supplies Knife Cases Metal working tools and supplies Show...
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ISCAR is a dynamic full line supplier of precision carbide metal working tools, producing a wide range of carbide inserts, carbide end mills and cutting tools covering most metal...
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Contenti Jewelry Making Supplies and Metal Working Tools. Offering beading supplies as well as metalworking products.
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Domain: astmetal.com
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