Domain: sweetney.com
Top-level domain (TLD): com (commercial)
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Description: Smart, funny, and made of awesome, Sweetney chronicles the life of Tracey Gaughran-Perez, a blogger, geek, and thirtysomething Gen-X single mom from Baltimore, Maryland..
Twitter info: sweetney - Geeky Gen-X Writer. Indie Rock Snob. Professional Internerd. Smartass. Single Mom. Proud contributor to the Dumptruck/Tubes Symposium. (Baltimore, MD | (C)Harm City)
Family, Kids, Baby, Children, Women, Child, Parents, Maryland, Mom, Baltimore Maryland, Mother, Single Mom, Baltimore, Mothers, Father, Mommy, Daughter
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Mommy Blog extraordinaire since 2003. Is too. Busy Mom is just like other moms. Only with a blog. Come visit. There is only one Busy Mom Blog.
Domain: busymom.net
Beth Feldman, author of Peeing in Peace, is here to entertain you with humorous tales and tidbits about what it's really like to juggle the demands of career and family....
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Are you up all night with that Baby again? Are you bored to tears or just in tears? BabyOwls is here to give you plenty of fun stuff to do and read on those long nights when baby just won't...
Domain: babyowls.com
A touching and poignant slideshow presentation about a Parent's Wish for their children during their old age.
Domain: parentswish.com
Resources, information, connections, community and network for involved dads. Provides fathers with searchable info, help, and discussions about fathering....
Domain: athomedad.org
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