Domain: otrs.org
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Title: OTRS::Open Source Trouble Ticket System - Service Support System::Welcome!.
Description: The homepage of the OTRS Project (email management - helpdesk - trouble ticket system). Recieve 5.000 e-mails a day and still be able to handle them ....
Open Source, Linux, Free, Support, Mac, Phone, Fax, Win, Freebsd, Gpl, Email Management, Solaris, Gnu, Helpdesk, Aix, Openbsd, Netbsd, Ticketsystem, Otrs, Trouble Ticket System
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PolishLinux.org is a general Linux vortal featuring: comparisons of GNU/Linux and BSD systems, distro chooser, reviews and articles on free software, first steps in GNU/Linux...
Domain: polishlinux.org
Der LinuxTag ist Europas führende Konferenz und Messe rund um das Thema Linux, Open Source und Freie Software. Sowohl Freie Projekte als auch kommerziell tätige Hersteller...
Domain: linuxtag.org
Australia's leading provider of IT services focusing on Linux, Unix and TCP/IP networking.
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Debian GNU/Linux is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system. It is maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer their time and effort....
Domain: debian.org
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