Domain: lll.ca
Top-level domain (TLD): ca ()
Title: Lutheran Laymen's League - Canada.
Description: Through the life-issue oriented messages of its' Lutheran Hour Messages, the men and women of the Lutheran Laymen's League seek to tell people areound the world of God's love for them and put them in contact with caring Christian....
Religion, Eternal life
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Domain: truthandgrace.com
Domain: dormitionchurch.homestead.com
The religion of God, not religions of men, centers on a Person, not a series of doctrines. Knowing this Person, we can have eternal life from above.
Domain: theologos.net
Domain: bible4u.info
Official web site of Watchtower Society, the legal organization in use by Jehovah's Witnesses. Authoritative source about beliefs, teachings, activities....
Domain: watchtower.org
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