Domain: ja.org
Top-level domain (TLD): org (organization)
Title: Junior Achievement - Educating youth on business, economics, and succeeding in a global economy.
Description: Junior Achievement is a non profit organization that brings the real world to students through hands-on curriculum delivered by a trained classroom volunteer. Our programs inspire and prepare young people around the world for success....
Twitter info: jaworldwide - Since 1919, Junior Achievement has helped kids around the globe learn about work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy. (Colorado Springs, CO)
Non Profit, Real World, Non Profit Organization, Young People, Global Economy, Financial Literacy
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Scenarios USA is a non-profit organization that uses writing and filmmaking to foster youth leadership, advocacy and self-expression in under-served teens....
Domain: scenariosusa.com
The Global Nomads Group (GNG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to heightening children's understanding and appreciation for the world and its people. Using interactive...
Domain: gng.org
Domain: fromthetop.org
Domain: snak.com
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