Domain: e-ccet.org
Top-level domain (TLD): org (organization)
Title: The Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology.
Description: The Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology (CCET) is an ecumenical organization that seeks to cultivate theological faithfulness to the Word of God in Jesus Christ throughout the churches in the United States. The Center nurtures....
Jesus Christ
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God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Catholic Church Teaching, Bible, Catechism, Prayers, Saints, Virgin Mary, Apostles, Pope Benedict, Vatican, Catholic News, Life Issues...
Domain: catholic.net
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus...
Domain: answersingenesis.org
Domain: pjtv.com
Grow in Christian faith with Christianity resources - articles, blogs, bible study. Online Bible, daily devotionals for spiritual life and those seeking Jesus Christ!...
Domain: christianity.com
All About GOD is a community of seekers, skeptics and believers discovering the truth about God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the meaning of life.
Domain: allaboutgod.com
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