Domain: dtl.org
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Title: Darkness to Light: Theology, Apologetics, Cults, Ethics, Bible Versions,
and much more!.
Description: Dedicated to explaining and defending the Christian faith, from a Reformed-Baptist perspective,
but with a focus on the essentials of the faith. Subjects: theology, apologetics, cults,
ethics, Bible versions, plus a literal....
Religion, Christian faith, Theology, Bible versions
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Dispatches from the post evangelical wilderness.
Domain: internetmonk.com
Revolutionizing Theology Discussion!
Domain: theologyweb.com
Domain: biblicalholidays.com
Tools for building up the body of Christ: an online spiritual gifts inventory (Gifted2Serve), personal ministry profile (Find Your Place), spiritual disciplines, worship,...
Domain: buildingchurch.net
Domain: alsalafyoon.com
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