Domain: care2x.org
Top-level domain (TLD): org (organization)
Title: CARE2X Integrated Healthcare Environment (Formerly: Care 2X Integrated Hospital Information System or Care 2002) founded by Elpidio Latorilla.
Description: Integrated set of software applications for hospital information systems, electronic medical patient record, practice management, general practitioner, central data repository, interoperatibility protoco, data transfer and....
Health Care, Information Systems, Software Applications, Practice Management, Data Transfer, General Practitioner
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Domain: umflint.edu
Domain: cma.ca
Domain: gemstone.com
Patient reported outcomes software for healthcare kiosk provides electronic medical records for health care measures in usa physicians doctors from Seattle Information...
Domain: seainfosys.com
Online veterinary store that provides all necessary of veterinarian such as veterinary books tools gifts and others veterinary stuff.
Domain: bestvetstore.com
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