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Title: BP Global | BP.
Description: Welcome to BP. Our products and services contribute to a better quality of life. They provide the freedom to move, to heat and to see.
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Chevron works to meet the world's growing demand for energy by exploring for oil and natural gas; refining and marketing gasoline; producing chemicals and geothermal power and...
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The EIC, the UK Trade Association for companies supplying the Energy Industry covering specialist areas such as Commercial, Offshore, Onshore, Overseas, Power and Water....
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Eni is an integrated energy company. Active in more than 70 countries, with a staff of 76000 employees, in the oil and gas, electricity generation and sale, petrochemicals,...
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The University of Tulsa is a forward-thinking, private university where dedication, excellence, commitment, and integrity are central to our mission. TU’s vibrant,...
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