Domain: aav.org
Top-level domain (TLD): org (organization)
Title: The Association of Avian Veterinarians | Home.
Description: The Association of Avian Veteraniarians is an international organization committed to advancing and promoting avian medicine and stewardship..
Medical, Pets, International organization, Pet birds
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Pet, Animal, Aquarium, Information Resource
Domain: animal-world.com
The AVMA Web site is the place where veterinary professionals, pet owners and animal lovers go to find comprehensive information on pet care, animal health, veterinary medicine...
Domain: avma.org
The famous, strange and interesting articles, pictures and videos on the web. Occasionally seemingly very random and always a bit wacky.
Domain: matzohcojones.com
Welcome to my guinea pig site. Meet my guinea pigs and see their lovely cute pictures. There are lots of guinea pig care information, guinea pig art work, animations and guest pets....
Domain: jackiesguineapiggies.com
Blakkatz is home to naturally raised American Shorthairs and is your source for information on natural cat care including a raw meat diet, homeopathy and the dangers associated...
Domain: blakkatz.com
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